Results for 'Izabela Walderez Dutra Patriota'

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  1. O comparecimento eleitoral facultativo E o retrocesso democrático.Izabela Walderez Dutra Patriota - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (2):248-262.
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  2. Remarks on the structuralistic epistemology of mathematics* Izabela bondecka-krzykowska and Roman Murawski.Izabela Bondecka-Krzykowska - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49:31-41.
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    Minimal Semantics and Legal Interpretation.Izabela Skoczeń - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (3):615-633.
    In this paper I will tackle three issues. First, I aim to briefly outline the backbone of semantic minimalism, while focusing on the idea of ‘liberal truth conditions’ developed by Emma Borg in her book ‘Minimal Semantics’. Secondly, I will provide an account of the three principal views in legal interpretation: intentionalism, textualism and purposivism. All of them are based on a common denominator labelled by lawyers ‘literal meaning’. In the paper I suggest a novel way of viewing this common (...)
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    Modelling Perjury: Between Trust and Blame.Izabela Skoczeń - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):771-805.
    I investigate: to what extent do folk ascriptions of lying differ between casual and courtroom contexts? to what extent does motive to lie influence ascriptions of trust, mental states, and lying judgments? to what extent are lying judgments consistent with previous ascriptions of communicated content? Following the Supreme Court’s Bronston judgment, I expect: averaged lying judgments to be similar in casual and courtroom contexts; motive to lie to influence levels of trust, mental states ascriptions, and patterns of lying judgments; retrospective (...)
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    Practising “Cruel Optimism”: Eight Months on Ghazzah Street by Hilary Mantel.Izabela Morska - 2024 - Civitas 31:65-86.
    The essay “Practising ‘cruel optimism’: Eight Months on Ghazzah Street by Hilary Mantel” delves into Mantel’s novel through the lens of Berlant’s concept of cruel optimism. Berlant’s construct, rooted in the pursuit of conventional notions of a fulfilling existence, highlights the protagonists’ endeavors in Saudi Arabia as a postcolonial adventure bound to end in disillusionment. Mantel’s portrayal of Frances Shore and her husband Andrew illuminates the tension between their aspirations for financial security and the disconcerting realities of cultural displacement and (...)
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    Komisja etyczna jako strażnik, wróg, cenzor czy partner? Proces oceny etycznej badań społecznych z udziałem osób świadczących usługi seksualne.Izabela Ślęzak - 2022 - Diametros 19 (76):30-47.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyzwań i trudności, jakie mogą pojawić się w procesie oceny przez komisje etyczne projektów badawczych bazujących na jakościowych technikach gromadzenia danych uzyskiwanych od osób świadczących różnego rodzaju usługi seksualne. Badania te zwykle podlegają ocenie komisji etycznych ze względu na ryzyko krzywdy dla uczestników, którzy postrzegani są jako szczególnie „podatni na zranienie”. Jednocześnie ze względu na stygmatyzację społeczną, jaka wiąże się ze świadczeniem usług seksualnych, zarówno badacze, jak i osoby uczestniczące w badaniu i wchodzące w skład komisji (...)
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    Adaptation and Validation of the ADOS-2, Polish Version.Izabela Chojnicka & Ewa Pisula - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A pragmatic view of truth.Luiz H. A. Dutra - 2004 - Principia 8 (2):259-277.
    This paper proposes an alternative view of the connection between knowledge and truth. Truth is traditionally seen as a semantic notion, i.e. a relation between what we say about the world and the world itself. Epistemologists and philosophers of science are therefore apt to resort to correspondence theories of truth in order to deal with the question whether our theories and beliefs are true. Correspondence theories try to define truth, but, in order to do so, they must choose a truth (...)
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    Natural Kinds as Scientific Models.Luiz Henrique Dutra - 2011 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 290:141-150.
    The concept of natural kind is center stage in the debates about scientific realism. Champions of scientific realism such as Richard Boyd hold that our most developed scientific theories allow us to “cut the world at its joints” (Boyd, 1981, 1984, 1991). In the long run we can disclose natural kinds as nature made them, though as science progresses improvements in theory allow us to revise the extension of natural kind terms.
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  10. Alexander J. Mazur, The Platonizing Sethian Background of Plotinus’s Mysticism.Izabela Jurasz - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    Le livre d’Alexandre (Zeke) Mazur [= AZM] est une édition posthume de sa thèse de doctorat soutenue en 2010 à l’Université de Chicago. Cette publication était très attendue, car, bien avant que la soutenance ait eu lieu, les vues originales d’AZM sur la mystique plotinienne attiraient l’attention des spécialistes. Dans les années 2003-2004, le jeune chercheur a fait une entrée remarquée dans le débat universitaire, en publiant un long article en deux parties : « Unio Magica, Part 1 : On (...)
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    Formen und Nebenformen des Platonismus in der Spätantike; Hierarchie und Ritual. Zur philosophischen Spiritualität in der Spätantike.Izabela Jurasz - 2019 - Chôra 17:314-320.
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    Living or Dead? Specifics of the Language of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.Izabela Kraśnicka - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 38 (1):123-136.
    The original text of the Constitution of the United States of America, written over 200 years ago, constitutes the supreme source of law in the American legal system. The seven articles and twenty seven amendments dictate understanding of fundamental principles of the federation’s functioning and its citizens’ rights. The paper aims to present the evolution of the U.S. Constitution’s language interpretation as provided by its final interpreter - the Supreme Court of the United States. Example of the Second Amendment will (...)
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    Vanguarda, do conceito ao texto.Margarida de Aguiar Patriota - 1985 - Brasília: Em convênio com o Instituto Nacional do Livro, Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória.
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    Does the influence of near-threshold primes depend on the type of task?Izabela Szumska, Weronika Baran, Ewa Pinkas & Rob H. J. Van der Lubbe - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 76:102827.
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    Críticas de Rawls a Hobbes e críticas de Habermas a Rawls.Delamar Volpato Dutra - 2017 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 29 (47).
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  16. Hume contra Hume.D. J. Volpato Dutra - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (1).
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    Habermas e o positivismo jurídico.Delamar José Volpato Dutra - 2020 - Doispontos 17 (2).
    uma das teses fundamentais de Habermas no que diz respeito à relação entre direito e moral é que o direito alivia três exigências que são feitas à moral, quais sejam, exigência cognitivas, motivacionais e organizacionais. Os defensores de uma relação forte entre direito e moral, como por exemplo Dworkin, sustentam que a moral deve ser chamada para resolver os casos difíceis do direito. Ora, Habermas parece afirmar justamente o contrário, a saber, que é o direito que é chamado a suprir (...)
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    Organizacje i ugrupowania międzynarodowe wobec wyzwań XXI wieku: multilateralna współpraca państw w świecie postzimnowojennym.Izabela Wróbel (ed.) - 2006 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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    Parmênides e Heráclito: diferença e sintonia.Izabela Bocayuva - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):399-412.
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    Cultural interconnectedness and in-group cooperation as sources of innovation.Natalia B. Dutra - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    I argue that the increased rate of innovation in eighteenth-century England cannot be understood without accounting for the unprecedented level of contact between England and other societies as a consequence of sixteenth-century colonialism. I propose cultural interconnectedness and in-group cooperation as two potential alternative explanations for the psychological changes and innovative behavior described by Baumard.
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    Direitos, deveres não: o teor cognitivo da moral moderna.Delamar José Volpato Dutra - 2011 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 56 (3):108-124.
    O conteúdo normativo da modernidade fundamenta a distinção entre moral e ética, bem como, no âmbito da teoria da justiça, a prioridade do justo sobre o bom. A normatividade assim concebida parte do pluralismo incomensurável de doutrinas e concepções de bem. O direito à liberdade que sustenta o edifício do consenso liberal não é uma base suficiente para dar conta de decisões aceitáveis por todos em questões de bioética. Por isso, duas alternativas são possíveis, aquela de um modus vivendi entre (...)
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  22. Przekraczając granice. Unnatural Selection Helen Chadwick.Izabela Dzioba - 2003 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 4:61-73.
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    Adrien Lecerf, Ghislain Casas, Philippe Hoffmann (éditeurs), Essence, puissance, activite dans la philosophie et les savoirs grecs.Izabela Jurasz - 2023 - Chôra 21:602-605.
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    Hymnes contre les hérésies. Hymnes contre Julien; Hymnes contre les hérésies.Izabela Jurasz - 2019 - Chôra 17:321-324.
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    L’exégèse platonicienne et chrétienne du Timée 39e7-9 : Atticus, Justin et Valentin.Izabela Jurasz - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 104 (4):703-729.
    L’article propose d’examiner un cas particulier du rapport entre la métaphysique médio-platonicienne et la doctrine chrétienne de la moitié du ii e siècle, en mettant en rapport trois auteurs appartenant à la même génération : Atticus, Justin et Valentin. Atticus est auteur d’une interprétation singulière du Timée 39e7-9, selon laquelle le Modèle intelligible, dont le Démiurge use pour former le monde, est situé en dehors et au-dessous du Démiurge. Cette disposition, critiquée et abandonnée par les néoplatoniciens, semble cependant connaître un (...)
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    Pogoda jako domena źródłowa wyrażeń metaforycznych oznaczających obecność lub brak problemów w języku angielskim.Izabela Żołnowska - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1).
    The structure of everyday communication reflects metaphorical thinking. People speak about the presence or absence of problems in terms of weather. Problems appear in every¬day life and so does the weather topic. Bad weather often evokes sadness, therefore it can be to said to constitute a problem; similarly, good weather is often equated with cheerful mood. Thus, in view of the above analysis, weather can be seen as an im¬portant experiential basis for conceptual metaphors.
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    Hybrid artificial intelligence system in constraint based scheduling of integrated manufacturing ERP systems.Izabela Rojek & Mieczysław Jagodziński - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 229--240.
  28. W poszukiwaniu sensu estetyki Stercus.Izabela Romańska - 2010 - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (2):263-266.
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  29. Expressivism and the ex aequo et bono adjudication method.Izabela Skoczeń & Krzysztof Poslajko - 2022 - In Tomasz Gizbert-Studnick, Francesca Poggi & Izabela Skoczeń (eds.), Interpretivism and the Limits of Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 212-229.
    In the present paper we argue that although the semantics of both legal and moral statements can be explained with the use of a unified framework called hybrid or quasi-expressivism (Finlay & Plunkett, 2018), there still is an important difference in the semantics of moral and legal terms. Namely, while the truth conditions of legal statements are widely intersubjectively shared, this is not the case with moral statements. We demonstrate this difference using the example of the ex aequo et bono (...)
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    The other blue: Role of sky in the perception of nature.Izabela Maria Sztuka, Ada Örken, Sonja Sudimac & Simone Kühn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nature is frequently operationalized as greenery or water to estimate the restorativeness of the environment. Pursuing a deeper understanding of the connection between representation of naturalness and its relationship with restoration, we conducted an experiment aimed to investigate if the sky is perceived as an element of nature. The main goal of this study was to understand how the composition of the environment guides people’s selection of sky as nature in an explicit task. Moreover, we investigated how the amount of (...)
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    In friendship with Keith Tester.Izabela Wagner - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):14-16.
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    Itutā ‑ ītyā / ītyē comme synonymes d’ousia dans la polémique d’Éphrem contre Bardesane.Izabela Jurasz - 2020 - Chôra 18:515-544.
    In his critic of the doctrine of Bardaisan, Ephrem the Syrian devotes a lot of space to reflection on the meaning of the terms ītutā and ītyā which, as he denounces, are used inaccurately by his opponent. These Syriac terms can be translated by “being” or “essence”, but also by “substance”. This observation leads us to propose the comparison with the Greek term οὐσία, taking into account many difficulties raised by its uses in theological discourse. The article is devoted to (...)
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    Manifestations of clinical depression in daily life: a daily diary study of descriptions of naturally occurring events.Izabela Krejtz, Natalia Rohnka, Paweł Holas, Marzena Rusanowska & John B. Nezlek - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1664-1675.
    In the present study, clinically depressed and non-depressed adults described the events that happened to them each day for two weeks, and these descriptions were content analys...
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    Implicatures Within Legal Language.Izabela Skoczeń - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book proposes a novel, descriptive theory that unveils the linguistic mechanisms lurking behind judicial decisions. It offers a comprehensive account of the ongoing debate, as well as a novel solution to the problem of understanding legal pragmatics. Linguistic pragmatics is based on a theory created by Paul Grice, who observed that people usually convey more than just the amalgam of the meaning of the words they use. He labeled this surplus of meaning a “conversational implicature.” This book addresses the (...)
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    Affective Empathy and Moral Disengagement Related to Late Adolescent Bullying Perpetration.Izabela Zych & Vicente J. Llorent - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (7):547-556.
    Bullying has damaging short-term and long-term consequences. Research suggests that perpetrators have low empathy and high moral disengagement, but relations between these variables are unclear and are rarely integrated in a single study. Thus, the objective of this study was to discover if empathy and moral disengagement mechanisms were related to bullying perpetration. This study was conducted with 904 Polish adolescents enrolled in 6 rural and urban upper secondary schools. High affective empathy predicted lower bullying perpetration. Moral-disengagement mechanisms such as (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Moral Cognitivism and Legal Positivism in Habermas's and Kan't Philosophy of Law.Delamar José Volpato Dutra & Nythamar de Oliveira - 2017 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 16 (3):533-546.
    The hypothesis of this paper is that legal positivism depends on the non plausibility of strong moral cognitivism because of the non necessary connection thesis between law and morality that legal positivism is supposed to acknowledge. The paper concludes that only when based on strong moral cognitivism is it consistent to sustain the typical non-positivistic thesis of the necessary connection between law and morality. Habermas’s Philosophy of law is confronted with both positions.
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    The ontology as the privileged horizon of Plato’s thought.Izabela Bocayuva - 2008 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 1:41-45.
    The education is, no doubt, a fundamental question in Plato’s thought. The Republic, considerate by many people as his masterpiece, takes care of this aspect, not without directing it through a political obliquity. In the greek society that honoured, above all, the formation of free citizens, education and politics were necessarily together. Nevertheless, we want to punctuate how, to Plato, both of them are subordinate to the ontological question.
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    A import'ncia do Jesus Histórico para Paulo, a partir de 2 Coríntios 4,10-12.Rafael Antonio Faraone Dutra - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):145-155.
    The identity of the historical Jesus has been object of a constant study and investigation. Throughout history new discoveries and statements have been made, some to cooperate and assist with the Christian faith, which profess Jesus as Lord and Savior; others, however, in order to extricate the Christ of faith presented by the Gospels, from the historical Jesus. This issue is so old that takes theologians and scholars to deeply dig in search for information, having as one of the references, (...)
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    Democracia e moralidade política na filosofia do direito de Kant: elementos para uma fundamentação do controle de constitucionalidade.Delamar José Volpato Dutra - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (2).
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    Elementos para uma metateoria da democracia.Delamar José Dutra - 2018 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 23 (Especial):262-292.
    O texto apresenta, resumidamente, quatro teorias ou modelos de democracia: agregativa, deliberativa, agônica e homogênea. Apresenta, em seguida, diversas críticas endereçadas a tais modelos. Considerando essas teorias e suas críticas, o presente estudo busca apresentar elementos que seriam indispensáveis ao tratamento da democracia. Ao final, tece algumas considerações críticas e construtivas a respeito da importância de que tais elementos sejam considerados ao se tratar da democracia. Palavras-chave: Democracia. Elementos. Metateoria. Direito. Política.
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    Human Rights and the Debate on Legal Positivism.Delamar José Volpato Dutra - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):264-273.
    This paper presents human rights in connection with the dispute between legal positivism and legal non-positivism. The importance of this topic can be evaluated by the debate that took place between Hart and Dworkin. Indeed, much of Dworkin’s work can be considered a reaction to Hart’s positivism. The presented study argues for the defense of the thesis that in order to understand such a debate it is important to take a position between moral noncognitivism and moral cognitivism. The hypothesis is (...)
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    Monteiro, Hume e ... Adão.Luiz Dutra - 1997 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 1 (2):297-304.
  43. Jean-Jacques Rousseau i kształtowanie wiejskich posiadłośc w prozbiorowej Polsce na przykładzie zarzeckich dóbr Magdaleny Morskiej.Izabela Dzioba - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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  44. Mniejszy świat. Sztuka, nauka i obrazowanie mikrokosmosu.Izabela Dzioba - 2004 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 5:77-94.
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  45. Oswojenie inności i określenie tożsamości. Funkcjonowanie motywów sinizujących w osiemnastowiecznej Anglii.Izabela Dzioba - 2003 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 15 (15).
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    Socjologiczne tło cudzołóstwa w powieści Antoniego Sygietyńskiego Na skalach Calvados.Izabela Filipczak - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:181-188.
    The novel On the rocks o f Calvados is the first and the greatest achievement of Antoni Sygietyński’s art. The author of this article considered the work worthy of a special attention with regard to the way of presenting the problem of adultery. The writer gives the social explanation of infidelity not concentrating on the psychological side of this phenomenon. He emphasizes the decisive role of such social factors as: the origin, the model of education and the social milieu. From (...)
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  47. Ziemia jako \"własność Jahwe\" w świetle ekonomicznej-socjologicznej teorii własności.Izabela Jaruzelska - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 35 (6):79-92.
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    Ce que les Gnostiques ont fait du Principe du Bien. Le cas de Basilide.Izabela Jurasz - 2017 - Chôra 15:487-514.
    The article examines the metamorphosis of the Platonic Principle of Good in the doctrine of Basilides, the 2nd century Christian gnostic. The Basilidian doctrine represents a radical form of dualism, in which the universe ‑ physical and metaphysical ‑ is born from an encounter between Light and Darkness. In his effort to liberate the Light from all contact with Darkness, Basilide refers to several different mediators. Analysing the Basilidian myth in the light of the Platonic writings brings out the paradoxes (...)
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    Emilie Kutash, Goddesses in Myth and Cultural Memory.Izabela Jurasz - 2023 - Chôra 21:617-621.
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    Résurrection de l’'me chez Bardesane.Izabela Jurasz - 2011 - Chôra 9:399-427.
    L’oeuvre de Bardesane († 222), un philosophe chrétien gnosticisant de langue syriaque, nous est parvenue sous forme d’un traité, «Livre sur les lois des pays», et de nombreux fragments, souvent transmis par les adversaires de Bardesane et de ses disciples. Tel est le cas des quelques fragments sur la résurrection, conservés par Éphrem le Syrien († 373) dans un Discours contre Bardesane. L’analyse du texte, visant à séparer les positions de Bardesane et celles d’Éphrem, permet de proposer une nouvelle interprétation (...)
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